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Synopsis :
Michael Scofield s'engage dans une véritable lutte contre la montre : son frère Lincoln est dans le couloir de la mort, en attente de son exécution. Persuadé de son innocence mais à court de solutions, Michael décide de se faire incarcérer à son tour dans le pénitencier d'état de Fox River pour organiser leur évasion...
Réalisateur : Paul Scheuring
Acteurs : Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell
Nationalité de la Série : Américaine
Genre : Drame
Durée d'un épisode : 42 mn
Date de sortie : 31 Août 2006
Langue : Français
Sous-titre : Aucun
Qualité : Dvd rip
Format : DivX
Hébergement des fichiers : FREE
Découper avec : Winrar
Nombre de fichiers : 1
Taille des fichiers : Mo
Taille de l'upload : 350 Mo
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Épisode 9 : Boxed In (VO - STFR bientot)
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Episode 8 - Bang and Burn (VOSTFR)
Susan décide d'organiser elle-même l'évasion, sans se préoccuper de la vie de Michael qui ne tient plus que par un fil. Lechero révèle un secret enfoui sous Sona. Sofia en découvre un peu plus sur le passé mystérieux de Whistler. Le sort de Mahone dépend de son témoignage. Lincoln et Sucre sont devenus les cibles du Cartel.
telecharger episode 07 saison 3
Episode 7 - Vamonos (VOSTFR)
Quand Michael apprend la mort de Sarah, il décide de passer ses nerfs sur Whistler en lui jettant la patte de poulet, synonyme de combat à mort. L'offre faite à Mahone s'éloigne peu à peu de ce qu'on lui avait promis. Lincoln et Sofia devront faire face à plusieurs problèmes, notamment lorsque Susan menace d'exécuter L.J. en cas d'échec de l'évasion. Enfin, la place de "chef-prisonnier" de Lechero est sérieusement remise en cause.
telecharger episode 06 saison 3
Episode 6 - Photo Finish (VOSTFR)
Quand un détenu est découvert assassiné, Whistler devient le premier suspect mais Michael doit prouver son innocence pour sauver sa vie. Michael demande des preuves à Susan pour être sûr que Sara est toujours en vie, sinon il arrête l'évasion. Lincoln et Sofia observent les rituels matinaux des gardes de la prison, et Mahone se voit proposer une offre qui pourrait le faire sortir de Sona.
telecharger episode 05 saison 3
Episode 5 (VOSTFR)
Un nouveau détenu débarque à Sona ce qui énerve Whistler, et donne des doutes à Michael. Lincoln prépare une évasion par l'océan avec Sofia, alors que Susan redéfinit le calendrier de l'évasion. T-Bag fait une alliance dangereuse, et Sucre veut faire rentrer des objets dans la prison.
ST :
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Episode 4 - Good Fences (VOSTFR)
Lincoln découvre, dans la boîte laissée par la compagnie, la tête de Sara décapitée. Il rend visite à son frère, mais ne lui dit rien au sujet de la mort de Sara. Sona connaît une brusque coupure d'électricité, et Lechero demande à Michael de l'aider à la rétablir. Pour Mahone, le manque de drogue commence à provoquer des hallucinations. Bellick demande à Michael de l'inclure dans son plan d'évasion.
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Episode 3 - Call Waiting (VOSTFR)
Sucre se résoud à laisser Maricruz vivre sa vie loin de lui. Il trouve Burrows dans l'espoir que celui-ci lui donne un peu d'argent... Lincoln reçoit des photos de son fils et de Sara en train de tenir le journal du jour. Mais Michael tient à parler avec Sara au téléphone pour s'assurer qu'elle va bien. Linc tente alors de négocier avec Susan... Sofia apprend à Whistler que le livre est entre les mains de Michael Scofield. Quant à Mahone, il doit lutter contre sa dépendance...
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Episode 2 - Fire/Water (VOSTFR)
La Compagnie retient en otage Sara et LJ ! Elle fait pression pour que Scofield se débrouille pour faire évader de Sona un prisonnier du nom de James Whistler. Accusé d'avoir tué le fils du maire de Panama City, celui-ci craint pour sa vie et se cache au sein du pénitencier... Toujours à la recherche de Maricruz, Sucre est prêt à tout pour la retrouver. Il se procure une arme et se rend à Sona... Dans la prison, le manque d'eau se fait sentir, et les détenus commencent à se rebeller...
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MDP : natou
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Episode 1 - Orientación (VOSTFR)Résumé
Michael se retrouve emprisonné avec Mahone et Bellick à Sona, un pénitencier du Panama où les prisonniers sont livrés à eux-mêmes. Les gardiens ont préféré se retirer à la suite d'une émeute survenue un an plus tôt... De son côté, Lincoln profite que les charges contre lui ont été abandonnées pour tenter de faire libérer son frère par les moyens légaux, en passant par le consulat...
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mercredi 6 février 2008
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Michael Scofield s'engage dans une véritable lutte contre la montre : son frère Lincoln est dans le couloir de la mort, en attente de son exécution. Persuadé de son innocence mais à court de solutions, Michael décide de se faire incarcérer à son tour dans le pénitencier d'état de Fox River pour organiser leur évasion...
Réalisateur : Paul Scheuring
Acteurs : Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell
Nationalité de la Série : Américaine
Genre : Drame
Durée d'un épisode : 42 mn
Date de sortie : 31 Août 2006
Langue : Français
Sous-titre : Aucun
Taille de l'upload : 350 Mo
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samedi 2 février 2008
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Episode 22 VF
'histoire de la série Prison Break en francais italien et allemand
Michael Scofield s'engage dans une véritable lutte contre la montre : son frère Lincoln est dans le couloir de la mort, en attente de son exécution. Persuadé de son innocence mais à court de solutions, Michael décide de se faire incarcérer à son tour dans le pénitencier d'état de Fox River pour organiser leur évasion...
Liste des acteurs et actrices principaux
- Michael Scofield - Wentworth Miller
- Lincoln Burrows - Dominic Purcell
- Veronica Donovan - Robin Tunney
- John Abruzzi - Peter Stormare
- Fernando Sucre - Amaury Nolasco
- Cpt. Brad Bellick - Wade Williams
- Agent Paul Kellerman - Paul Adelstein
- Dr Sara Tancredi Sarah - Wayne Callies
- Lincoln 'L.J.' Burrows Jr - Marshall Allman
- Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell - Robert Knepper
- Benjamin 'C-Note' Miles - Franklin Rockmond Dunbar
- Agent Mahone - William Fichtner
Tutti questi interrogativi trovano delle risposte già nei primissimi episodi della Season III che andrà in onda in Italia probabilmente nell'autunno 2008.
Der Erfolg von Alias, Lost oder 24 öffnete die Türen für Serien, deren Spannungsbögen sich über die gesamte Staffel ziehen. Zu diesen Serien gehört auch Prison Break. In Prison Break beantwortet Michael Scofield, Protagonist dieser Serie, die Frage, wie weit Bruderliebe gehen kann.
Auf Lincoln Burrows wartet in der Fox River State Strafanstalt der elektrische Stuhl. Das Gericht sah es als erwiesen an, dass Burrows den Bruder der amerikanischen Vizepräsidentin ermordet hat. Burrows selbst hat die Tat immer wieder abgestritten.
Lincolns Bruder Michael Scofield glaubt an die Unschuld seines Bruders. Und nachdem er keinen anderen Ausweg mehr sieht, entschließt er sich, seinen Bruder aus dem Gefängnis zu befreien. Zu Gute kommt ihm, dass er als Bauingenieur am Umbau des Gefängnisses beteiligt war. Michael läßt sich die Baupläne des Gefängnisses auf den Oberkörper tätowieren. Danach begeht er einen bewaffneten Raubüberfall und wird, wie er geplant hat, in Fox River eingewiesen.
Dort angekommen, muss er sich erst einmal mit dem rauhen Knastalltag vertraut machen. Die Durchführung des Ausbruchsplans erweist sich auch schwieriger als gedacht. Immer wieder muss Michael Rückschläge hinnehmen. Zudem sitzt ihm die Zeit im Nacken: Lincolns Hinrichtung rückt immer näher.
Außerhalb der Gefängnismauern versucht die Anwältin Veronica Donovan, Lincolns Exfreundin, die Hinrichtung mit legalen Mitteln zu stoppen. Behindert wird sie von zwielichtigen Agenten des Secret Services, die offensichtlich verhindern wollen, dass Lincoln entlastet wird.
Mastermind der Serie ist Paul Scheuring. Scheuring ist der ausführende Produzent der Serie und hat unter anderem auch die Pilotfolge geschrieben. Ursprünglich hat Scheuring Prison Break als zehnteilige Miniserie konzipiert. Steven Spielberg sollte die Serie für den US-Sender Fox produzieren. Spielberg lehnte allerdings ab, da er mit KRIEG DER WELTEN beschäftigt war. So lag die Serie zunächst einige Monate auf Eis. Als Konkurrenzsender ABC mit Lost große Erfolge feierte, erinnerte sich Fox wieder an Prison Break. Fox verabschiedete sich von der Idee einer zehnteiligen Miniserie. Stattdessen sollten gleich 13 Episoden produziert werden. Und nachdem Prison Break gute Quoten lieferte, erhöhte man schnell auf 22 Episoden.
Die Serie startete in den USA am 29. August 2005. Ende November 2005 musste Prison Break nach 13 Episoden, zum Leidwesen der Fans, eine viermonatige Zwangspause einlegen. Fox brauchte den Programmplatz für 24 und American Idol. Einen Ausweichprogrammplatz gab es nicht.
• Die Gefängnisszenen wurden im stillgelegten Joliet Gefängnis gedreht. In diesem Gefängnis waren von 1858 bis 2002 insbesondere Schwerverbrecher inhaftiert
• Die Pilotepisode wurde von Brett Ratner inszeniert. Brett Ratner ist zurzeit einer der angesagtesten Hollywood-Regisseure. Zu seinen Filmen zählen z.B. Rush Hour 2 & 3 und X-Men 3. Ratner ist auch einer der ausführenden Produzenten von Prison Break
• Eine "Prison Break"-Episode kostet rund zwei Millionen Dollar. Genauso viel kostet eine Folge CSI. Zum Vergleich: für eine Folge 24 muss man 2,5 Millionen auf den Tisch legen, Lost benötigt gar 3,5 Millionen pro Episode
Just when they thought they were out, they are pulled back in – for the most dangerous escape ever. Entering its dramatic and action-packed third season, PRISON BREAK finds MICHAEL SCOFIELD (Wentworth Miller) wrongly incarcerated in Sona, a hellish Panamanian prison where there are no rules, no guards and no escape.
After successfully breaking his older brother LINCOLN BURROWS (Dominic Purcell) out of Fox River Penitentiary for a murder he did not commit (Season One), Michael, Lincoln and several other convicts were the targets of a nationwide manhunt that eventually led them to tropical Panama (Season Two). Despite Lincoln’s exoneration for his alleged crimes, the brothers’ freedom and happiness were short-lived as Michael was framed and sent to Sona Prison by “The Company,” the same government conspiracy that originally put Lincoln behind bars. Michael soon discovers that he was purposely placed in Sona to engineer another daring and seemingly impossible prison break – this time in order to free WHISTLER (Chris Vance), a mysterious inmate hiding within the prison’s sewer system.
Sona (inspired by the actual Carandiru Prison in Brazil) is unlike any American prison. A murderous riot among the inmates has driven all guards and authorities from the premises, leaving the prison with its own warped hierarchy and code of ethics created and ruled by vicious drug kingpin LECHERO (Robert Wisdom).
Once inside Sona, Michael must avert Lechero’s suspicions and wrath while protecting himself from a trio of enemies: ALEX MAHONE (William Fichtner), the renegade FBI agent who was revealed to be involved with The Company; BRAD BELLICK (Wade Williams), the former Fox River prison-guard-turned-hapless-bounty-hunter; and the one-handed, homicidal pedophile THEODORE “T-BAG” BAGWELL (Robert Knepper) – making Michael’s plans for escape even more difficult and complicated.
With the tables turned this time around, Lincoln must work outside the prison walls to help pull off the escape, as well as rescue his kidnapped son, LJ (Marshall Allman), and Michael’s true love, SARA TANCREDI (Sarah Wayne Callies). In Panama, Lincoln is reunited with fellow Fox River escapee FERNANDO SUCRE (Amaury Nolasco) and becomes involved with two beautiful women who will prove to be instrumental to the break – SUSAN B. ANTHONY (Jodi Lyn O’Keefe), a cool and deadly operative for The Company; and SOFIA (Danay Garcia), Whistler’s innocent girlfriend who is unaware of the danger she is about to encounter.
With the clock ticking, Michael and Lincoln must figure out a way to reunite with their loved ones, bring down The Company and engineer the most thrilling prison break yet.
On "Prison Break's" fall finale, Michael Scofield said the best six words we could have possibly heard: "We're not getting out of here."
An escape would have been satisfying, but sparing Michael's brother Lincoln from death in the electric chair by freeing the prisoners from the confines of Fox River State Penitentiary's
walls would have hurt the FOX series tremendously.
As the story has unfolded, "Prison Break" has, in many ways, set itself up to be the most convincing portrait of prison on television, even more realistic than HBO's "Oz." Its setting
contributes the most: Filmed on location at an older, now-unused prison in Joliet, Ill., "Prison Break" has the gritty, dirty look that we associated with prison life, not the too-new, clean, glass-enclosed prison of "Oz."
Despite being a network series, "Prison Break" hasn't shied away from the rawest parts of prison life: rape, murder, suicide, corruption, rioting, monotony, hopelessness. The limits of
broadcast television have actually helped the show creatively. Although "Prison Break" has had its share of gratuitous violence, the violence and other horrors that stay off-screen are actually more powerful.
After being claimed and raped by T-Bag, a prison gang leader who seems to be the personification of evil, a new, young inmate approached Michael Scofield in the showers and begged for help. Scofield refused, protecting his escape plan. The new inmate later hanged himself. We only saw his pleading and his quick death; everything else was off-camera, letting our imaginations fill in the gaps.
Prepare to suspend disbelief
In many ways, "Prison Break" relies intensely on viewers' imaginations. After his brother was convicted of murdering the Vice President's brother, Scofield, an engineer, planned an elaborate escape; had all of the clues, instructions and blueprints necessary tattooed across half his body; and then managed to get himself locked up at the same jail where his brother was being held.
Suspension of disbelief starts at the execution itself, since Illinois' former governor issued a moratorium on the death penalty and commuted the sentences of those on death row, and since the state executes with lethal injection, not the electric chair. While Scofield's escape plan is relatively simple, he's had to go to extraordinarily absurd means to make it possible. When the reality of prison life interferes with his plan, he has to scheme on the fly, crafting ingenious solutions that play out like some kind of dysfunctional ballet.
Nearly every step has forced Scofield to work with his fellow inmates, starting with his cellmate. He's come to rely and depend upon those incarcerated with him, and it's here that the series has found its life. Watching the pieces of the escape fall into place is entertaining, but it's much more fun to watch as the new "Fish" is forced to rapidly win the respect and trust of everyone from a racist murderer to a mob boss.
Because they're all in such a confined space and a self-contained world, their actions have consequences that reverberate in an increasingly deafening way. No one trusts anyone else, and for good reason, but they all are forced to trust each other, at least when they're not literally or metaphorically stabbing one another.
Last week, when the group grew too large to make escape possible, Abruzzi confronted T-Bag and held a razor blade to his throat. "I'm just an emissary for all the pain and suffering you caused, all the families you ruined, all the kids," Abruzzi told him, and T-Bag showed his humanity by begging for his pitiful life. "Maybe I deserve to die, maybe I do, but you're no better than me," T-Bag said. Then, a few seconds after winning a reprieve, he slit Abruzzi's throat. In a single scene, our allegiance switched back and forth between the two characters, both of whom are horrible people by any objective measure.
No one is good or bad, including the series' hero Michael Scofield, who's been forced many times to make choices that are less than ideal. But Scofield and all of the prisoners are played and written as actual, complex human beings, which makes growing attached to them very possible.
Prison Break
Episodi, Immagini, Storia e Personaggi
La Storia
Prison Break apre su un tentativo di rapina messo in atto in maniera piuttosto rocambolesca e maldestra da un giovane ingegnere, Michael Scofield (nome reale : Wentworth Miller). Quella che all'apparenza sembra un'azione immotivata, oltre che goffa, di un uomo fino allora irreprensibile, si rivela subito, anche alla luce della sua ferma volontà di non difendersi , il passo necessario verso un obiettivo ben definito: riuscire a entrare nel penitenziario in cui il fratello Lincoln (nome reale : Dominic Purcell) è imprigionato, detenuto per aver ucciso un familiare del presidente degli stati Uniti, attende di essere giustiziato sulla sedia elettrica, e organizzare la sua evasione. Per raggiungere il suo scopo Michael, convinto che il fratello non abbia commesso quel crimine e sia vittima designata di un complotto, può contare su una circostanza che gli altri ignorano: è stato uno dei progettisti del carcere e quindi conosce ogni segreto strutturale.
Prison Break è il racconto della preparazione di un'evasione, dove ogni azione del protagonista all'interno del carcere acquista un significato anche grazie ai numerosi flashback che rimandano alla sua vita da uomo libero e dove la pianificazione dell'obiettivo finale si intreccia alle inevitabili tensioni che derivano dalla convivenza con altri detenuti, che gli saranno necessari per la riuscita del progetto, dietro i quali spesso si nasconde un nemico imprevisto.
Mentre Michael agisce dall'interno del carcere, all'esterno Veronica (nome reale : Robin Tunnel), ex ragazza di Lincoln e avvocato, cerca le prove legali che lo possano scagionare una volta per tutte, portando alla luce, nel corso delle sue indagini, una serie di sorprese che disegnano una vicenda ben più ingarbugliata di quanto sembri.
Prodotta da Adelstein/Parouse Production, Original Television e 20th Century Fox Television, scritta, prodotta ed ideata da Paul Scheuring, Prison Break si è rivelato uno dei maggiori successi della stagione 2005 di Fox television, successo confermato in America con l'uscita prematura della seconda serie. In italia, più precisamente in onda su italia uno, è andata in onda solo la prima serie e siamo ancora in attesa della seconda serie.
Personaggi Prison Break
samedi 19 janvier 2008
L'histoire de la série Prison Break en francais italien et allemand
Michael Scofield s'engage dans une véritable lutte contre la montre : son frère Lincoln est dans le couloir de la mort, en attente de son exécution. Persuadé de son innocence mais à court de solutions, Michael décide de se faire incarcérer à son tour dans le pénitencier d'état de Fox River pour organiser leur évasion...
Liste des acteurs et actrices principaux
- Michael Scofield - Wentworth Miller
- Lincoln Burrows - Dominic Purcell
- Veronica Donovan - Robin Tunney
- John Abruzzi - Peter Stormare
- Fernando Sucre - Amaury Nolasco
- Cpt. Brad Bellick - Wade Williams
- Agent Paul Kellerman - Paul Adelstein
- Dr Sara Tancredi Sarah - Wayne Callies
- Lincoln 'L.J.' Burrows Jr - Marshall Allman
- Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell - Robert Knepper
- Benjamin 'C-Note' Miles - Franklin Rockmond Dunbar
- Agent Mahone - William Fichtner
- break Dominic Purcell download free gratuit Lincoln Burrows m6 Michael Scofield prison serie telecharger télé Veronica Donovan Wentworth Miller
Tutti questi interrogativi trovano delle risposte già nei primissimi episodi della Season III che andrà in onda in Italia probabilmente nell'autunno 2008.
Der Erfolg von Alias, Lost oder 24 öffnete die Türen für Serien, deren Spannungsbögen sich über die gesamte Staffel ziehen. Zu diesen Serien gehört auch Prison Break. In Prison Break beantwortet Michael Scofield, Protagonist dieser Serie, die Frage, wie weit Bruderliebe gehen kann.
Auf Lincoln Burrows wartet in der Fox River State Strafanstalt der elektrische Stuhl. Das Gericht sah es als erwiesen an, dass Burrows den Bruder der amerikanischen Vizepräsidentin ermordet hat. Burrows selbst hat die Tat immer wieder abgestritten.
Lincolns Bruder Michael Scofield glaubt an die Unschuld seines Bruders. Und nachdem er keinen anderen Ausweg mehr sieht, entschließt er sich, seinen Bruder aus dem Gefängnis zu befreien. Zu Gute kommt ihm, dass er als Bauingenieur am Umbau des Gefängnisses beteiligt war. Michael läßt sich die Baupläne des Gefängnisses auf den Oberkörper tätowieren. Danach begeht er einen bewaffneten Raubüberfall und wird, wie er geplant hat, in Fox River eingewiesen.
Dort angekommen, muss er sich erst einmal mit dem rauhen Knastalltag vertraut machen. Die Durchführung des Ausbruchsplans erweist sich auch schwieriger als gedacht. Immer wieder muss Michael Rückschläge hinnehmen. Zudem sitzt ihm die Zeit im Nacken: Lincolns Hinrichtung rückt immer näher.
Außerhalb der Gefängnismauern versucht die Anwältin Veronica Donovan, Lincolns Exfreundin, die Hinrichtung mit legalen Mitteln zu stoppen. Behindert wird sie von zwielichtigen Agenten des Secret Services, die offensichtlich verhindern wollen, dass Lincoln entlastet wird.
Mastermind der Serie ist Paul Scheuring. Scheuring ist der ausführende Produzent der Serie und hat unter anderem auch die Pilotfolge geschrieben. Ursprünglich hat Scheuring Prison Break als zehnteilige Miniserie konzipiert. Steven Spielberg sollte die Serie für den US-Sender Fox produzieren. Spielberg lehnte allerdings ab, da er mit KRIEG DER WELTEN beschäftigt war. So lag die Serie zunächst einige Monate auf Eis. Als Konkurrenzsender ABC mit Lost große Erfolge feierte, erinnerte sich Fox wieder an Prison Break. Fox verabschiedete sich von der Idee einer zehnteiligen Miniserie. Stattdessen sollten gleich 13 Episoden produziert werden. Und nachdem Prison Break gute Quoten lieferte, erhöhte man schnell auf 22 Episoden.
Die Serie startete in den USA am 29. August 2005. Ende November 2005 musste Prison Break nach 13 Episoden, zum Leidwesen der Fans, eine viermonatige Zwangspause einlegen. Fox brauchte den Programmplatz für 24 und American Idol. Einen Ausweichprogrammplatz gab es nicht.
• Die Gefängnisszenen wurden im stillgelegten Joliet Gefängnis gedreht. In diesem Gefängnis waren von 1858 bis 2002 insbesondere Schwerverbrecher inhaftiert
• Die Pilotepisode wurde von Brett Ratner inszeniert. Brett Ratner ist zurzeit einer der angesagtesten Hollywood-Regisseure. Zu seinen Filmen zählen z.B. Rush Hour 2 & 3 und X-Men 3. Ratner ist auch einer der ausführenden Produzenten von Prison Break
• Eine "Prison Break"-Episode kostet rund zwei Millionen Dollar. Genauso viel kostet eine Folge CSI. Zum Vergleich: für eine Folge 24 muss man 2,5 Millionen auf den Tisch legen, Lost benötigt gar 3,5 Millionen pro Episode
Just when they thought they were out, they are pulled back in – for the most dangerous escape ever. Entering its dramatic and action-packed third season, PRISON BREAK finds MICHAEL SCOFIELD (Wentworth Miller) wrongly incarcerated in Sona, a hellish Panamanian prison where there are no rules, no guards and no escape.
After successfully breaking his older brother LINCOLN BURROWS (Dominic Purcell) out of Fox River Penitentiary for a murder he did not commit (Season One), Michael, Lincoln and several other convicts were the targets of a nationwide manhunt that eventually led them to tropical Panama (Season Two). Despite Lincoln’s exoneration for his alleged crimes, the brothers’ freedom and happiness were short-lived as Michael was framed and sent to Sona Prison by “The Company,” the same government conspiracy that originally put Lincoln behind bars. Michael soon discovers that he was purposely placed in Sona to engineer another daring and seemingly impossible prison break – this time in order to free WHISTLER (Chris Vance), a mysterious inmate hiding within the prison’s sewer system.
Sona (inspired by the actual Carandiru Prison in Brazil) is unlike any American prison. A murderous riot among the inmates has driven all guards and authorities from the premises, leaving the prison with its own warped hierarchy and code of ethics created and ruled by vicious drug kingpin LECHERO (Robert Wisdom).
Once inside Sona, Michael must avert Lechero’s suspicions and wrath while protecting himself from a trio of enemies: ALEX MAHONE (William Fichtner), the renegade FBI agent who was revealed to be involved with The Company; BRAD BELLICK (Wade Williams), the former Fox River prison-guard-turned-hapless-bounty-hunter; and the one-handed, homicidal pedophile THEODORE “T-BAG” BAGWELL (Robert Knepper) – making Michael’s plans for escape even more difficult and complicated.
With the tables turned this time around, Lincoln must work outside the prison walls to help pull off the escape, as well as rescue his kidnapped son, LJ (Marshall Allman), and Michael’s true love, SARA TANCREDI (Sarah Wayne Callies). In Panama, Lincoln is reunited with fellow Fox River escapee FERNANDO SUCRE (Amaury Nolasco) and becomes involved with two beautiful women who will prove to be instrumental to the break – SUSAN B. ANTHONY (Jodi Lyn O’Keefe), a cool and deadly operative for The Company; and SOFIA (Danay Garcia), Whistler’s innocent girlfriend who is unaware of the danger she is about to encounter.
With the clock ticking, Michael and Lincoln must figure out a way to reunite with their loved ones, bring down The Company and engineer the most thrilling prison break yet.
On "Prison Break's" fall finale, Michael Scofield said the best six words we could have possibly heard: "We're not getting out of here."
An escape would have been satisfying, but sparing Michael's brother Lincoln from death in the electric chair by freeing the prisoners from the confines of Fox River State Penitentiary's
walls would have hurt the FOX series tremendously.
As the story has unfolded, "Prison Break" has, in many ways, set itself up to be the most convincing portrait of prison on television, even more realistic than HBO's "Oz." Its setting
contributes the most: Filmed on location at an older, now-unused prison in Joliet, Ill., "Prison Break" has the gritty, dirty look that we associated with prison life, not the too-new, clean, glass-enclosed prison of "Oz."
Despite being a network series, "Prison Break" hasn't shied away from the rawest parts of prison life: rape, murder, suicide, corruption, rioting, monotony, hopelessness. The limits of
broadcast television have actually helped the show creatively. Although "Prison Break" has had its share of gratuitous violence, the violence and other horrors that stay off-screen are actually more powerful.
After being claimed and raped by T-Bag, a prison gang leader who seems to be the personification of evil, a new, young inmate approached Michael Scofield in the showers and begged for help. Scofield refused, protecting his escape plan. The new inmate later hanged himself. We only saw his pleading and his quick death; everything else was off-camera, letting our imaginations fill in the gaps.
Prepare to suspend disbelief
In many ways, "Prison Break" relies intensely on viewers' imaginations. After his brother was convicted of murdering the Vice President's brother, Scofield, an engineer, planned an elaborate escape; had all of the clues, instructions and blueprints necessary tattooed across half his body; and then managed to get himself locked up at the same jail where his brother was being held.
Suspension of disbelief starts at the execution itself, since Illinois' former governor issued a moratorium on the death penalty and commuted the sentences of those on death row, and since the state executes with lethal injection, not the electric chair. While Scofield's escape plan is relatively simple, he's had to go to extraordinarily absurd means to make it possible. When the reality of prison life interferes with his plan, he has to scheme on the fly, crafting ingenious solutions that play out like some kind of dysfunctional ballet.
Nearly every step has forced Scofield to work with his fellow inmates, starting with his cellmate. He's come to rely and depend upon those incarcerated with him, and it's here that the series has found its life. Watching the pieces of the escape fall into place is entertaining, but it's much more fun to watch as the new "Fish" is forced to rapidly win the respect and trust of everyone from a racist murderer to a mob boss.
Because they're all in such a confined space and a self-contained world, their actions have consequences that reverberate in an increasingly deafening way. No one trusts anyone else, and for good reason, but they all are forced to trust each other, at least when they're not literally or metaphorically stabbing one another.
Last week, when the group grew too large to make escape possible, Abruzzi confronted T-Bag and held a razor blade to his throat. "I'm just an emissary for all the pain and suffering you caused, all the families you ruined, all the kids," Abruzzi told him, and T-Bag showed his humanity by begging for his pitiful life. "Maybe I deserve to die, maybe I do, but you're no better than me," T-Bag said. Then, a few seconds after winning a reprieve, he slit Abruzzi's throat. In a single scene, our allegiance switched back and forth between the two characters, both of whom are horrible people by any objective measure.
No one is good or bad, including the series' hero Michael Scofield, who's been forced many times to make choices that are less than ideal. But Scofield and all of the prisoners are played and written as actual, complex human beings, which makes growing attached to them very possible.
Prison Break
Episodi, Immagini, Storia e Personaggi
La Storia
Prison Break apre su un tentativo di rapina messo in atto in maniera piuttosto rocambolesca e maldestra da un giovane ingegnere, Michael Scofield (nome reale : Wentworth Miller). Quella che all'apparenza sembra un'azione immotivata, oltre che goffa, di un uomo fino allora irreprensibile, si rivela subito, anche alla luce della sua ferma volontà di non difendersi , il passo necessario verso un obiettivo ben definito: riuscire a entrare nel penitenziario in cui il fratello Lincoln (nome reale : Dominic Purcell) è imprigionato, detenuto per aver ucciso un familiare del presidente degli stati Uniti, attende di essere giustiziato sulla sedia elettrica, e organizzare la sua evasione. Per raggiungere il suo scopo Michael, convinto che il fratello non abbia commesso quel crimine e sia vittima designata di un complotto, può contare su una circostanza che gli altri ignorano: è stato uno dei progettisti del carcere e quindi conosce ogni segreto strutturale.
Prison Break è il racconto della preparazione di un'evasione, dove ogni azione del protagonista all'interno del carcere acquista un significato anche grazie ai numerosi flashback che rimandano alla sua vita da uomo libero e dove la pianificazione dell'obiettivo finale si intreccia alle inevitabili tensioni che derivano dalla convivenza con altri detenuti, che gli saranno necessari per la riuscita del progetto, dietro i quali spesso si nasconde un nemico imprevisto.
Mentre Michael agisce dall'interno del carcere, all'esterno Veronica (nome reale : Robin Tunnel), ex ragazza di Lincoln e avvocato, cerca le prove legali che lo possano scagionare una volta per tutte, portando alla luce, nel corso delle sue indagini, una serie di sorprese che disegnano una vicenda ben più ingarbugliata di quanto sembri.
Prodotta da Adelstein/Parouse Production, Original Television e 20th Century Fox Television, scritta, prodotta ed ideata da Paul Scheuring, Prison Break si è rivelato uno dei maggiori successi della stagione 2005 di Fox television, successo confermato in America con l'uscita prematura della seconda serie. In italia, più precisamente in onda su italia uno, è andata in onda solo la prima serie e siamo ancora in attesa della seconda serie.
Personaggi Prison Break
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